Executive Director - Merle White
Receptionist - Darlene Bellrose
Early Intervention - Rose Rielly
Addictions - Darlene Hoschka
ALAPS - Mellissa Duhamel
AHS - Donna Schroeder, Wendy Desjarlais, Mona Medin,
Vonda Cinnamon, Linda Cinnamon, Sandra Mayhew
Aboriginal Neighborhood Place - Chuck Rhoads
Generation Youth - Marion Duda
Janitor - Gordon Ward
Stop by every Wednesday for free soup and bannock.
Board of Directors
President - Helge Nome
Vice - President - Douglas Bonaise
Treasurer - Tani Amarook
Secretary - Louise Russel
Youth - Dallas Rain, Glen Waskewitch, Donnie Hayward,
Irene Medin